Psychometric Assessments

What are Psychometric Assessments
Psychometric Assessments are scientifically validated psychological and competency based tests applied in private and corporate environments to aid people in making informed decisions about the best way forward.
Psychometrists are psychology professionals, regulated by the Health Professional Council of South Africa ("HPCSA") that specialise in designing, administering, scoring and interpreting psychological assessments. SOVEREIGN Psychometrists are accredited users of the most widely accepted and used assessment instruments in industry, also valid specifically for the South African context. At SOVEREIGN, we therefore can assess a wide range of qualities in all ages across the diverse cultural spectrum of South Africa.
Don't ask what the world needs ... rather ask what makes you come alive ... then go and do it!
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive!
~ Howard Thurman ~
Psychometric Assessments are widely used in amongst others :
Career & Vocational Guidance;
Selection & Recruitment;
Team Development;
Assessment of Organisations (see more on Organisational Development here)
Personal & Leadership Development; and
Talent Management & Career Development.
These measurements are used to evaluate the more covert psychological attributes of people and are typically used to assess areas which include :
Cognitive Functioning (e.g. intelligence, critical reasoning, aptitude, ability, levels of complexity)
Personality (e.g. behaviour, attitudes, temperament, motivation, strengths, risk, integrity, team effectiveness)
Well-Being (e.g. anxiety, happiness, emotional intelligence, enthusiasm, stress, burnout, conflict handling)
Interests (e.g. vocational interests)
Values (e.g. needs)

Selection & Recruitment
Analyse the more 'hidden' traits of a candidate for measurable, objective data that gives a better all-round view of suitability.
Psychometric testing is a scientific method providing measurable, objective data that gives a better all-round view of a candidate’s suitability for a position. It forms part of a wider integrated evaluation strategy and helps to gauge the future performance of a candidate. The use of psychometric assessments is known to aid successful hiring decisions, resulting in improved employee retention.

Talent Management & Career Development
Identify Top-Talent ...
Fast-Track Career Success ...
Psychometric assessments are used in strategic HR planning processes to identify individuals with potential. Typically these individuals will then be developed and coached to meet the needs of the organisation. Talent Management also plays a critical role in
contingency and succession planning processes.
With regards to Career Development, a person's career is an unfolding, gradual, evolving process that span over time. It occurs naturally as one matures, but with intervention, one can forge a happier and more successful path. Psychometric assessments are used to aid and fast-track career success.
Please feel free to contact us if you wish to explore how Psychometric Testing can assist you and/or your business.

Career Counselling
Make satisfying career-related decisions through selecting the right subjects and engaging in the right vocation ... first time.
Psychometric testing helps learners design their life based on their personality, their natural talents, interests and values. Assisting with Subject Choice for Grade 9 learners, Career Guidance for Grade 12 learners and 1st Year Tertiary students, and Career Transitions for Adults, psychometric assessments serves an invaluable purpose in aligning a person with their best suited career.

Personal & Leadership Development
Pin-Point areas for Improvement ...
Develop & Enrich as a Person ...
A psychometric evaluation is one of the most effective ways to establish developmental areas for people.
On a personal level, instruments like the EQi can measure emotional and social acuity and highlight personal strengths whilst also identifying facets for potential development. All coaching engagements commence with an EQi assessment.
On a leadership level, a psychometric assessment reveals critical competencies a leader can develop, effortlessly pin-pointing the areas a leader should work on.
To book an assessment, kindly complete the Assessment Request Form below and fax it confidentially to 086 648 9644 or email to our assessment centre.
LynelleSmith BA Hons (Psych)
Principal Psychometrist
Psychometrist in Independent Practice (HPCSA PMT 0090310)
Sovereign Psychometric Services
Practice Number : 0538264
Tel : (011) 794 6522 | Fax : (086) 648 9644 | Mob : (083) 294 5973
P O Box 414170 | Craighall | 2024 | Johannesburg
eMail :
Find Out What Makes You Come Alive ... Then Go And Do It