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"When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there."
~ Zig Ziglar ~

Business Coaching

What is Business Coaching

Business Coaching has the same fundamentals as Personal Coaching, but has a stronger focus on the business.  It is aimed at individuals in small to medium organisations and provides a means to develop, promote and grow both the business and the staff.


As part of the Business Coaching approach, we support individual and team development and provide new direction in customer satisfaction, productivity and overall organizational effectiveness.


Whether people have personal goals, or whether the goals are in relation to growing and improving their businesses, the coaching process provides clarity, focus and structure.


Benefits of Business Coaching

Businesses today are faced with an ever increasing rate of change and many find it difficult to achieve, gain and/or maintain a competitive advantage.  Business Coaching is a professional service to help a client master continued change and achieve their desired objectives.


Ultimately Business Coaching increases work performance, employee satisfaction and service delivery to customers.  It is also a very valuable tool to create awareness and re-establish a functional work-life balance.

Your Business Coach will help you create a clear vision of where you want to go, assist you in developing a strategy to achieve your individual and business goals, walk the road with you to keep an objective perspective of your journey, be your soundboard, give objective feedback and keep you in action.

Why Sovereign Partners



At SOVEREIGN we support our clients to help them make their mark and improve their standing in the market place.  Whilst partnering with our clients to help them re-design and develop their businesses, we also focus on helping them create a business of stature.


A business of stature subscribes to ethical business practices.  It sustains a happy work environment where employees can contribute effectively to the growth of the business in service of its clients.


Our clients include :


  • Professional Practices

  • Start-Up Businesses

  • Entrepreneurial Businesses

  • Small & Medium Size Businesses



Develop a Solid Business

© 2013 by Sovereign Partners & Organisational Development Consultants (Pty) Ltd  |  2013/052661/07

© 2014 by Sovereign Psychometric Services  |  Practice Number : 0538264

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